Beautiful Me
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TITLE; If I was rich .....
Monday, October 20, 2014 | 15:56 | 1 comments
Hello Guys !

If I was rich, 
First and foremost, such as other womens, I will go to shopping to buy new clothes new collection. Yes, I love shopping until my large closet are full with my new blouse, skirts, kurungs, jubahs, t-shirt, jeans and scarfs. Then, I will buy beauty and slimming product. I'm also love to buy new handbags and shoes. In my rooms, I have various type of handbags and i love to change it every month. 

Then, I will bring my  biggest family to vacation Hayman Island, Queensland Australia. It very beautiful place to go and get some peace from work or stress study. Then, we can look around to go zoo and others. 

Next, I will buy a new car. I'm always dreaming I was driving a red car. Well, why must red? Because I think red looks so charming and smart furthermore I was driving that car. When I looks this car for the first time, I 'm very like it. I saw it in UNIKL MICET and I think this person must be rich person and I target to buy it.

Old things